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Church leadership is the process of guiding a congregation toward a shared vision and goal and inspiring them to follow Christ. It's a role that involves serving others and leading them on their faith journey. 

Here are some characteristics of church leadership: 

  • Stewardship: Church leaders are responsible for the people in their care. 
  • Visionary: Church leaders should be champions of the church's mission and do what they can to further it. 
  • Multi-directional: Church leaders should be aware of the cultural context and deploy the truth revealed in scripture for the good of God's people. 
  • Delegation: Church leaders should give responsibilities to others who can handle them. 
  • Focus on people: Church leaders should focus on people, not processes. 

Church leadership can take many forms, including pastoral leadership, worship leadership, and administrative leadership. 

Some examples of church leadership roles include: 
Executive Minister of Administration, Minister of Finance, and Youth Pastor.