Lady Katrina Haskins is a true example of the proverb’s woman. She is a faithful servant to the kingdom of God. A loving and devoted wife for over 25 years and counting to Bishop Alan Haskins
A dedicated mother and grandmother a mentor. As she walks beside her husband she efficiently helps in any capacity. Her role as the first lady is like none other. Shis is down to earth, jovial and A balanced woman of God.
Sher just doesn’t sit to be served she helps to serve others in and out the church community. First lady Katrina Haskins is a woman of the word of GOD. She is a book author and have written a book about the power of your words, the bible in proverbs 18:21 death and life are in what you say so speak only the fruit of what you want, and you will be glad you did.
Lady Katrina is over the woman’s ministry, and she loves teaching the woman of God that they are more than a conqueror and can be all God have called them to be
First lady loves to read, walk, relax and spend time with her family and church family!